Jerusalem Photos / Jobs

View over Jerusalem


Photo: Miriam Woelke

Yes, I am still alive! 🙂
Last week I was too busy complaining about my missing salary. The company I work for in my second job pays on time but not the entire amount. There have always been a few hours missing and I hadn’t received the money. For the past two months I had been complaining but nothing really happened. Then, last week, I sent an official complaint to one of the managers and suddenly, things started to move. Well, not as perfectly as I expected but, at least, something was done.
Many of my co – workers state that this is Israel. Here, you always have to pay attention to your salary. Otherwise you will be ripped – off all the time. On the other hand, too many co – workers are too afraid to complain when something goes wrong. They are afraid to lose their jobs and thus they let the company get away with anything.
I drew the consequences: From now on, I will only work the very minimum hours, and I cut down on all my extra hours. Since I started to work in two jobs I realized how too much work can really destroy your life. You don’t have time for anything anymore and when you finally come home, you just feel exhausted and want to close your eyes. 


3 thoughts on “View over Jerusalem

  1. Miriam, I know exactly what you mean, I am 73 and retired 3 years ago, but for the last 10 years I worked on two jobs, but fortunately I liked both of them, I wax an X-Ray technologist at a hospital from 11pm to 7am and then I worked as a cashier in Walmart from 8am to 4pm. But I sure thank G-d that I am retired now

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